

There have been several small studies concerning the relationship between coffee and diabetes. The results suggest that coffee is both good and bad for you, if you have diabetes type 2. OK, so what does that mean?

Basically caffeine is the answer. Caffeine tends to raise the glucose levels, while coffee without caffeine seems to lower the levels. The doctors warn that the study was small but it has enough for me to start drinking decaff instead of regular.

That leads us to the next problem, which is some people just can't give up their regualar coffee. They say they need the caffeine to wake them and keep them awake. In fact I've been told that if you're not going to drink it regular why drink it at all.
As this article explains the fact is that caffeine in coffee becomes somewhat addictive. When you sleep you are not drinking coffee and wake up in a kind of withdrawel which makes you feel pretty tired, crabby, and groggy. When you get that morning coffee you are satisfying that addiction so of course you feel better. They say that you may experience a few days of feeling like crap in the morning, but you can get used to decaf, and that's a good thing!


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